
Ja, nu börjar det likna något...
...vid vedförrådet...
...och dagen bjöd på sol, minsann...
...så det blev en utelunch...
...innan vi firade vespans 70-årsdag...

Vespa 98

23 April 1946, this amazing new, functional and innovative mode of transport was
presented to the general public for the first time in a Golf Club in Rome. The shield
was embossed with a new logo which replaced the previous Piaggio Aircraft emblem.
Vespa was an immediate success and gained extensive media interest as well as
public curiosity, surprise and even skepticism. The first sales of Vespa where
managed through a small dealer network and the price of the standard model was
55,000 lire, while the deluxe version was sold for 66,000 lire.
Det ni...
Må väl / L&C
2016-04-24 @ 18:09:00 postade N&N
Även här har det varit många program om Vespa. Kul! Underbart väder ni haft, skillnad från Väsby, där Inger hade blåsigt, mulet och 5 grader!

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